TOR Fashion – Forums

I was asked to revive the forums by a TOR Fashion / TOR Decorating user, so I started from scratch on TOR Fashion. You can access the forums from the top menu of TOR Fashion or TOR Decorating. This time, you don’t need to create a separate login to post on the forums. You can use the following credentials instead:

  • WordPress – Only works if you already have a TOR Fashion account. Will not work with a TOR Decorating account or one created for the defunct forums. There are only a small handful of people that have a TOR Fashion account, so most likely you can’t use this option.


  • Facebook – Not recommended unless you don’t mind everyone seeing your real name


  • Twitter


  • Disqus – Recommended because these are the credentials you are already using to comment on the site


  • Reddit


You can also use the forums anonymously. This requires you to input a name and an email address, but the address does not have to be real unless you want to sign up to receive notifications. This will be turned off with no warning if the spam gets out of hand. Day one and we are already getting inundated with spam. This option is now no longer valid.

These forums are intended to facilitate conversations between players on creating and outfitting characters or decorating strongholds, asking questions about aspects of the game, or reporting site bugs and making suggestions on how to improve the sites.

The forums are very simple compared to the official forums and Reddit. You can use either BBCodes or HTML and post images. If the forums take off, I’ll look into improving them, but I didn’t want to spend too much time on this if it tanks like before. Commenting in the forums is subject to the same restrictions as commenting on posts.

I’ve tested the various logins and was able to access the forums. Please let me know if you have any issues or would like me to add a new forum for a topic not already covered.