ESO –Style Comparison Pages
One of the complaints I’ve seen about ESO Fashion recently is that you can’t view all items on one page. The site is specifically set up not to do that so it’s easier to search for individual items. Since I don’t have every single item on the site, it would be impossible to create pages with everything. Instead I built some pages where you can compare the tier one and tier ten versions of every item per style (except the three I don’t have access to, AD, DC, and EP).
My thought was that it would be easier to figure out an item’s style if you could see everything on one page. While this is more useful for the races you can play since the exotic styles don’t change much from tier to tier, it does show when there are differences in those weapons.
The pages are located on the main menu under Comparison. If you click on an image, it will open in a lightbox where you can see the full size, 100% quality image.
- Abah’s Watch
- Akaviri
- Ancient Elf
- Ancient Orc
- Assassins League
- Barbaric
- Daedric
- Dwemer
- Glass
- Malacath
- Mercenary
- Outlaw
- Primal
- Soul-Shriven
- Thieves Guild
- Trinimac
- Xivkyn