DISQUS Comment System

The MMO Fashion pages use the DISQUS Comment System to manage comments. Comments on our site are still hosted on our server, but DISQUS modifies several things to make it easier to moderate and ties all of our sites (as well as any site that uses DISQUS) together.

Creating an account with DISQUS does not create an account on our sites. Your DISQUS account is only applicable to the commenting system and has absolutely no bearing on any other portion of the website, including the post upvote system.

Table of Contents


It is not mandatory to create an account with DISQUS to comment on any of the sites. You can choose to “guest comment”.

Guest Comment

To guest comment, type your comment in the comment box of any site. Click in the “Name” box. That will display other options. Check the “I’d rather post as a guest” box. You will have to provide and name and email address, but you can type Guest and use a dummy email address. You can also choose to use your real name or a pseudonym associated with you, but you will not receive any of the benefits of signing up for an account.


Create an Account

You can create a separate account on DISQUS or use the account settings of one of your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter,  or Google+).

Creating an account on DISQUS provides several benefits. Unless you change the settings, DISQUS will send an email notifying you when someone replies to a comment you’ve made or also comments on a post you have commented on. You can change these settings under Profile, Email Notifications.


Subscribe to a Post

One of the most beneficial things you can do with DISQUS is subscribe to a post without even commenting. I highly encourage everyone to subscribe to any posts they upload to the sites via a character or stronghold submission form. This will allow you to see all comments on your post and is very helpful when someone asks you a question about your character.

To subscribe to a post, go to the bottom of the comments block right before the ads and click on “Subscribe.” If you are logged into your account, “Subscribe” will turn green and will add a green arrow next to the word. Once you do this, you will receive an email every time someone posts a comment on that particular post.


You can unsubscribe by clicking “Subscribe” again. I would not suggest subscribing to posts other than those you submit or you will get inundated with emails.


Note that DISQUS does have a separate upvote comment system that requires you to have an account to use, but you are not required to have a DISQUS account to upvote posts.

DISQUS Comment Upvote System

The DISQUS comment upvote system is located underneath each individual comments on a post. Comments with more upvotes will rise to the top of the comments.


Website Post Upvote System

The website post upvote system is located at the bottom of each post before the comments. Liking posts populates the “Most Liked” tables at the top of character galleries.



We heavily moderate comments on the MMO Fashion sites. If you would like more information about what are acceptable comments, please see the specific Terms and Conditions of any site located at the top right of the each page or the general ones listed here.